February 25, 2012

Donators Group

MAX out your Coins.
MAX out your Reputation.
Have 1000+ Energy to play all day.
Max out Basic NEEDS like Gold,Crystal,Stone block,Alchemist,Purity Talisman etc...

If you want to help us to continue more in giving rewards, Currently we still don't have a enough source to pay the bills until the month of April...

You can send it through : PAYPAL send me a message after http://www.facebook.com/isda989


PLEASE Send me a message 


  1. id like to donate to you, how do i do that? plus how will you know that i am the one who donated? just not sure how this works

  2. I do not have a pay pal account is there another way to donate?

  3. I would like to make a donation with paypal. Are their donation levels?

  4. Me too..
    Please give me donation level as i don't know how much I have to donate..

  5. I donated 25.00 about 25 minutes ago. Is there a link to a Donor room???

  6. Castle Ville Free Items Update 12/07/2012

    Build Release 10/07/2012
    http://bit.ly/M3icD1 ขนหมาป่าที่หม่นหมอง WolfHair-101
    http://bit.ly/M3igmo ไม้กระดาน WoodPlanks-200
    http://bit.ly/M3ijP8 ไข่ Eggs-300
    http://bit.ly/M3il9x ฝ้าย Cotton-400
    http://bit.ly/M3ilGP มะเขือเทศ Tomato-400
    http://bit.ly/M3ippT บล็อกหิน StoneBlock-400
    http://bit.ly/M3ir0Z แร่เงิน SilverOre-314
    http://bit.ly/M3iv0S อัญมณีหลวง RoyalJewel-350
    http://bit.ly/Mjewc5 ขนนกสีแดง RedFeather-471
    http://bit.ly/MjeAbZ ถังน้ำ PailOfWater-500
    http://bit.ly/M3iCJP ขวดนม MilkBottle-534
    http://bit.ly/M3iHgp จอบเหล็ก IronPick-450
    http://bit.ly/M3iI45 แร่เหล็ก IronOre-459
    http://bit.ly/M3iIRG ก้อนน้ำแข็ง IceChunk-500
    http://bit.ly/M3iJFd น้ำองุ่น GrapeJuice-500
    http://bit.ly/MjeZuY อิฐทอง GoldBrick-600
    http://bit.ly/Mjf3uG เศษผลึก GemShard-647
    http://bit.ly/Mjf2qC ประตูปราสาท Gate-600
    http://bit.ly/Mjf6GL แฟลก Flax-777
    http://bit.ly/Mjf7uy เพชร Diamond-816
    http://bit.ly/MjfdSQ เครื่องรางหมดจด PurityTalisman-850
    http://bit.ly/M3j1vO พลังงาน Energy-876
    http://bit.ly/M3j7U2 พริก ChiliPepper-925
    http://bit.ly/Mjfl4S ขนนกสีน้ำเงิน BlueFeather-800 Build
    http://bit.ly/M3jcao ผงแปรธาตุ AlchemistPowder-772

    By.Buadin Army-infantry
